Sunday, January 29, 2012

Are We There Yet?!?!?

38 weeks and 4 days later and still no baby! The suspense is killing me! I feel like we have been on a roller coster ride these last couple of months, wondering if Dylan would arrive early. Luckily, he has stayed inside! But now we are ready to meet our new little guy and mommy is done being pregnant! At our last doctor's visit on 1/25/12 the doctor checked me out and I had not progressed any further as anticipated. I was still 75% and 2 cm dilated. Later that week on Thursday I had some spotting. If we do not have a baby in arms by Friday, Feb 4 I will be totally and utterly shocked!
Gavin and I have been enjoying our one on one time together and having lots of fun. We go to the park, attend music and gym classes and last week we went to Pump It Up where they have inflatable jump houses for little kids. He loved it!

Cravings: apples and peanut butter, chocolate and sweets
Weight Gain to Date: 25 pounds
Next Appointment: 2/2/12

Monday, January 16, 2012

Baby #2's Name... (36 Weeks)

Thank you to everyone for voting on our names. After much thought, we think we have a name for our sweet baby #2.... Matt wanted to name him Mason Matthew, while I wanted the name to be Brady Matthew. Since we both couldn't agree on either name we decided to go with Dylan Matthew! After researching the name Dylan we knew it was meant to be. We decorated baby #2's room in a surfer/beach theme. After looking up what Dylan means, we were happily surprised to see that it means "son of the sea". Dylan is also a Welsh name, which is the same origin as Gavin's name. So there you have it

Last Thursday (1/12/12), we went in for an ultrasound to make sure the baby was doing well and check if I had progressed any further. The ultrasound tech called my doctor after completing the ultrasound and said my doctor wanted me to go in to see him. Once we got to my doctor's office the doctor checked me out and said I was in between 50-75% effaced and 2cm dilated! We were shocked! He asked that I take it easy for the next week to get me to 37 weeks. He said he wasn't too worried about our situation since we are approaching what is considered to be full term (37-40 weeks) and because the baby is a good size. The baby weighs approximatley 6 pounds 8oz. Gavin weighed 6'10" when he was born so I think even if Dylan does come early he will still weigh more then Gavin.

My sister and Nick came down over the long weekend to help out around the house and see if our new bundle would arrive. There were lots of braxton hicks, back aches and headaches but no baby! If Dylan is anything like Gavin then we could have him arrive by this Wednesday or Thursday. With Gavin I was dialated 1cm and 75% effaced one week prior to when he was born. But that is the beauty of just never know!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pregnancy Journey - 35 Weeks

35 Weeks

Wow...I can't believe our second baby is almost here! We will be 35 weeks tomorrow. Time has gone by so quickly the second time around. Gavin has kept us busy! I am enjoying my time at home with Gavin so much. While I must say I was not expecting to have the doctor take me out of work, I am looking at the glass half full and taking advantage of being at home with my little man and getting some much needed rest. This is mommy and Gavin time I wouldn't of had if I wasn't put on disability. The doctor put me on disability 4 weeks ago due to my cervix being too short and having pre-term labor symptoms. At my last doctor visit my doctor was pleased with how everything looked and I hadn't progressed any further. They did the fetal fibronectin at 33 weeks and it came back negative, which determines with 97% accuracy that I will not go into labor within the next two weeks. My next doctor appointment is 1/6/12.

I have really been feeling all the aches and pains these last several weeks. I think I pinched something in back because I have been having a lot of pain in my back and down my leg. The pelvic pain has also intensified and has radiated down my leg as well. I have been putting a heating pad and ice packs to help with the pain and trying to take it easy. But it is all worth it and I wouldn't change a thing. All we want is a healthy baby boy!

Gavin is growing up so quickly. A couple of nights ago we were looking at a video of Gavin taking his first steps and its incredible how much he has grown. We are so proud of him and love him so much. He is a great helper! Here he is helping Daddy build brother's crib. I know he will be a big help when brother comes too! He is so loving too!! He gives the best kisses and hugs!

He loves to sing, play instruments and dance! He is our little rock star.

Check out the pictures below of our pregnancy journey!

30 Weeks

29 Weeks

25 Weeks

23 Weeks